
Wooden Spoon Cafe and Cake Shop

Provides fresh home-made meals and baking by using high quality, locally-grown ingredients.

Provides fresh home-made meals and baking by using high quality, locally-grown ingredients.

The Wooden Spoon makes homemade soups daily and cooks fresh meats to serve on their sandwiches and wraps. In addition, the Wooden Spoon creates beautiful cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and treats. Baking items are created by the business's certified baker, who creates delicious treats for celebrations, or for an indulgence with lunch. The Wooden Spoon takes pride in being a part of the community of Sedgewick and Flagstaff County. They believe customer service is of the utmost importance and strive to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The Wooden Spoon is proud to be a part of a community that raises one another up and supports the dreams of business owners like themselves. The Wooden Spoon hopes that each customer leaves their place with a full belly and a happy heart.