For the Makers
Top 10 Articles & Videos as You Build Your Business
Helpful Tools for Makers, Service Providers and Food Creators
So you’ve come up with a business idea, congratulations! Now it’s time to make it official. You’ll need to build out a strategy to reach your audience and figure out how much it will all cost so you can set yourself up for financial success. Often at this stage, it can feel overwhelming to know where to start so we’ve provided our top ten favourite articles and videos to help you get started.
*Hot Tip: Try scheduling in 15 minutes each week into your calendar to check out one of these articles or videos as part of your own professional development.
- How & Why to write SMART goals – step by step guidance and questions to get you started
- Why the secret to success is setting the right goals: TED Talk by John Doerr – Learn about OKRs (Objectives & Key Results) *Transcript available (12 min)
Marketing & Sales
- How to write a marketing plan by BDC (Business Development Bank of Canada)
- 15 Tried and True Ways to Improve Your Sales Skills by Hubspot
- How to make a small business website?
- The 5E Experience Design Model – how to create a great customer experience in person and online from start to finish