Art & Design

Andrea Kristin Wild

Meet Andrea-- local artist, maker, farm girl, and busy mama of 5.

Meet Andrea-- local artist, maker, farm girl, and busy mama of 5.

Meet Andrea Kristin Wild-- farm girl, food lover, artist, maker, and momma of 5. Avid seeker of beauty. She grew up near the mountains in British Columbia, but fell in love with the Alberta prairies in 2016 when she and her family moved onto their little oasis affectionately named Grey Arrow Farm. "Those wide open skies, soft forest groves, and incredible sunsets put prairie life over the top for me," she says. "I remember my first day driving into town from the farm just after we'd moved here. The drive is a number of kilometres on gravel before hitting pavement, and the rural scenes I was passing with this golden sunrise streaking across the sky... it made my soul soar. It was art. It was beauty. It was incredible. It made me feel alive passing through it. I couldn't believe I was going to see this landscape canvas painted anew every single day! And that is what happens. The scenes I pass by never look the same twice even though they are usually the same roads, the same fields, the same sky. Day after day, month after month, season after season-- even when I'm driving along them for the most mundane reasons (errands, getting groceries, picking up kids from school...) it all just continues to inspire. Pulling over to photograph it has become a ritual and what I now affectionately call my Range Road 205 Collection." When she is not busy doing office work, running daily farm operations, or driving kiddos around, you'll find her relaxing outside or stealing away to her studio creating many of the inspired works you find here in the shop.