

Empowering you to catapult from non-emotional awareness with discussion & NON-TALK energetic session to living your best life.

Empowering you to catapult from non-emotional awareness with discussion & NON-TALK energetic session to living your best life.

KimmyEnergy supports individuals, families and groups to navigate through daily funk & junk to more specific hurdles in life. Each one of us is as unique as your fingerprint. We are not "textbook" cases. We were not made in a production line where the same values, beliefs and intuitions were inserted inside each of us. This is why #emotionalawareness classes, workshops, books and public speaking was created. This facilitation is life changing and has been used within Flagstaff County within support services since 2018. Through this successful facilitation, KimmyEnergy was able to create #emotionalawareness . With three Amazon bestselling books, public speaking and group workshops, KimmyEnergy expanded and created #him2 #her2 and #umatter. Workshops for groups of all sizes and needs can vastly provide renewed and refreshed productivity and perspective for your employee's both on their clocked time and personal time. Group sessions are developed and crafted to the details of support required. KimmyEnergy does private sessions for groups of friends, retreats and specifically for court mandated sessions. Don't worry if you are not a talker, KimmyEnergy still has you covered for support. "Access Consciousness the Bars" is a non-talk energetic ease and release of limitations, judgements, trauma and other unconscious barriers holding you back that you are unaware of. It is approximately fifty to seventy minutes long. You are fully clothed and on a massage table. With the slightest of touch on your head "The Bars" are engaged and the process starts. The Bars are 32 points which include; money, control, sex, kindness, body, sadness, joy and so much more. You are not required to say one word. The worst you will feel is that you had the most amazing massage leaving your muscles loose with no strain and tension. You will feel at ease and at peace. One session of The Bars is equal to 15 hours of meditation. The Bars overwhelmingly changed Kimberley's life physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Kimberley decided to learn how to teach it world wide as an Access Bars Facilitator. There is no greater feeling of honour for Kimberley than supporting someone at the end of their life with this tool to release what is stuck inside of them to let go of and leave this physical world in peace. Access Body Process is an addition of an energetic non-talk support KimmyEnergy offers. Just as The Bars is for your thoughts and mind the body process is for all the yuck stuck in our organs, tissues and muscles. When we have trauma of any kind (mentally, physically, spiritually or emotionally), medication residue etc our tissues, muscles and organs holds that in. It no longer serves us so KimmyEnergy will help you get rid of it.